Is Ocala Healthcare caring according to the CQC?
The CQC is the regulator for all Health and Social Care services from care in people’s homes, to hospitals and doctors’ surgeries.
It is the CQC that determines if services are safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.
Before we find out if Ocala Healthcare is considered caring by the CQC,
What does caring mean to the CQC?
Caring – this means we looked for evidence that the service involved people and treated them with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
How does Ocala Healthcare ensure people are well treated and supported; respecting equality and diversity; Supporting people to express their views and be involved in making decisions about their care?
“The person receiving care and support had been involved in the planning and review of their care. They told us their privacy was respected and dignity promoted when supported with personal care.
Care records made clear what tasks the person needed support with and what they could do for themselves.
The registered manager took into account the need to respect equality and diversity in their care assessments and planning of support. Where people's cultural background affected how they preferred care to be given, this was reflected in their care plan.
Staff were up to date with their equality and diversity training. There were systems in place to update staff on any changes to people's needs or preferences.” Says the CQC report.
How does Ocala Healthcare respect and promote people's privacy, dignity and independence?
“Staff gave examples of how they supported the person to maintain their independence in daily living skills, respecting rights and choices.
A relative told us, "The staff not only support [person's relative] with their physical needs but also their emotional and mental health needs too. We have nothing but good things to say about how professional and helpful everyone is. [Person's relative] and we feel part of the Ocala family as we work together to make sure [person's relative] has the 24 hour care they need." Says the CQC report.
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